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Plant Pots and Containers in Jersey

By Ransoms | 22nd February 2021 | 4 min read

Most plants will grow quite happily in containers and you can make just as fabulous a display using plants in pot and containers as you can in the garden – great news if you’re short on outdoor space. In our garden centre you’ll find a plant pot or container for every plant: just match your plants to the pot that suits best for instant success. We have the largest selection of Plant Pots and Containers in Jersey

Pots come in a huge range of styles and materials from ceramic to terracotta, stainless steel and stone. Let your imagination run riot creating mixed displays of perennials and shrubs in larger pots for instant impact.

Troughs and grow spaces work brilliantly for growing vegetables on the patio. Place troughs against a wall to grow climbing beans, or divide a grow space as small as 1m x 1m into squares for planting a surprisingly wide variety of fruit and veg.

Hanging baskets brighten up the dingiest of entrance ways with brilliant scarlet pelargoniums or, for something different, tumbling tomatoes or chillies. In our garden centre you’ll find not only the baskets but also liners and water-retaining gel to mix into the compost to hold on to moisture for longer. Read more: Herb baskets

Containers are brilliantly versatile, and you can use them to create whatever mood you want in your garden in Jersey – whether it’s lushly tropical, or funky and stylish. Here’s how:

Container colour: Paint raised garden boxes or wooden containers – both available in our garden centre – to create quirky colour-themed container gardens. Oil-based stains are low-key and tasteful; or try waterproof marine paints in vibrant colours. Echo stem or flower colours for a really striking effect.

Plant style: For the jungly look, pick big plants with lush-looking leaves: phormiums, hardy gingers and bamboos all thrive in large containers. For container cottage gardens, plant small-flowered geraniums at the feet of container-grown apple trees. Architectural palms, bamboos and echeverias create a minimalist, clean look. All are available, plus many more, in our garden centre.

Mood management: Clashing colours on opposite sides of the colour wheel such as purple and yellow create vibrant, exciting moods, as do hot colours: red salvias, yellow chrysanthemums and orange daylilies, for example. Harmonious colours – blues, purples, reds – are soothing and calming: pastel shades and white also turn the pressure right down.

Please ask the staff in our Jersey garden centre for more information and advice about choosing pots and containers right for planting in Jersey.

Plant Pots and Containers in Jersey

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