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Plant of the Month: Bougainvillea

By Ransoms | 6th June 2023 | 3 min read

A plant which makes one think of warmer regions, white houses and colourful doors. Bougainvillea is a spectacular evergreen plant for the home, conservatory, or greenhouse. The plant comes in a huge colour range including purple, mauve, pink, apricot, red, yellow, and white. The flowers are actually large thin bracts which surround a central cluster of true flowers, which are tiny and white in colour.

Frost-free growing conditions are essential for bougainvillea, so Jersey with its soft winters and lovely summers is perfect for it. Bougainvilleas can produce repeated flushes of bloom for many months if conditions are right. Bougainvillea needs full sun and can be grown by a window, in a conservatory, or a heated greenhouse. Those in pots that can be moved will benefit from spending the summer outdoors in the garden where they should be given a sunny and sheltered spot.

They can be grown as a bush; up a wall or over an arch. By nature, bougainvilleas need plenty of room to grow and can easily reach two metres in height, though compact varieties are available as well. At Ransoms we also sell bougainvilleas as house plants, trained around a frame which stay a lot smaller.

For more information, please contact us on 01534 856699 and ask for our outdoor plant team or email us at

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