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How to: Peat Free Compost

The compost we source and sell is 100% peat free. Read on to understand why many are making the switch to peat free, and how to grow successfully in peat free composts.

What are peatlands?

Peatlands are a type of carbon-rich wetlands that are divided into bogs and fens.

Peat soil (or simply, peat) is formed in an environment where there is a lot of water, low pH, low oxygen supply and low nutrient content.

Healthy peatlands have a number of key benefits for the environment. In a nutshell, they:

– Have one of the most carbon-rich ecosystems on the planet.

– Have a net cooling effect on climate.

– Reduce flood risk by slowing water flow from the uplands.

– Provide floodplains in the lowland.

– Provide fresh water sources and nesting grounds for wildlife.

– Are a habitat for rare flora and fauna.

Blanket bogs are sometimes called the ‘rainforests of the UK’ thanks to their unique flora and fauna. Due to Peatlands capturing carbon, they are essential ecosystems that help mitigate climate change.

Why go Peat Free?

Peat soil is often extracted from many lowland raised bogs around the UK and Ireland for use in horticultural materials such as compost. By sourcing and using peat free compost we help to ensure peatlands can stay untouched for the benefit of the planet.

How to grow successfully using Peat Free compost

Nowadays the new Peat-free composts are top performers. However, they have a unique texture that requires adjustments to your watering routine.

Since these mixes are rich in coir and woodchips, they tend to dry out faster. Additionally, their coarse texture might deceive you – it could look dry on top but still be moist below.

Here’s a handy trick: stick your finger in the soil! This will tell you if it’s completely dry throughout.

The key is to water frequently, but in smaller amounts. Avoid letting them dry completely, as rehydrating becomes a challenge – water might just run off the surface. If this happens, submerge the entire pot in a bucket of water to allow thorough soaking.


Every bag of compost includes slow-release plant food (controlled-release fertilizers), but it only lasts so long. Peat-free options typically provide nutrients for about a month.

Keep an eye on your plants! If they seem to be lacking nutrients, you can give them a boost with a liquid plant feed, like seaweed feed or one of our other excellent organic feeds. Mixing in some homemade compost is a great choice. With these tips you will improve the soil’s health and provide a steady stream of nutrients for months to come.

Our top 3 Favourite Peat Free composts

These are some of the favourite Peat Free composts in our range, but we have many fantastic alternatives for every stage of plant growth and needs. Our expert team will gladly advise.

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